In Leviticus 8, priests are consecrated. What does the word consecrate mean? The definition is " to make or declare (something, typically a church) sacred; dedicate formally to a religious or divine purpose.”
The Tabernacle was built, and the God of the universe was ready to be with his people, but something was missing. His holiness would consume and destroy the people, so they needed an intercessor. This was the purpose of Aaron and his sons as Priests.
In verses 5-13, the priests were instructed to wear proper clothing. These instructions are detailed, and if you notice, God gave them. Leviticus 8:5 says, “And Moses said to the congregation,' This is the thing that the Lord has commanded to be done.'” Holiness is not something that we can manufacture on our own. We can’t just decide to be holy; our holiness comes from obeying God’s Word and commands.
As the priests followed these commands to dress and be anointed with oil, they obeyed a holy God and His commands, and therefore, they were “consecrated” for His service. These priests were now holy and could mediate between a holy God and a sinful people. We must seriously consider the sin in our lives. This chapter in Leviticus shows us that sin is grave, and we need to seriously come before God and submit to His rule and reign, just as these priests did.
After the priests were dressed and consecrated, they still were not done. Blood had to be shed for sin. There had to be sacrifices. Leviticus 8:14 says, “Then he brought the bull of the sin offering, and Aaron and his sons laid their hands on the head of the bull of the sin offering.” Sin has consequences, and only through shedding blood can there be forgiveness of sins. The wrath of God is poured out on these animals as a sacrifice instead of being poured out on the sinful people.
We must consider how we might sacrifice for Christ. Romans 12:1 says, “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” As we seek to follow Christ, we must sacrifice our wants and needs to serve God. We must lay our lives on the altar and die to our old lives of sin. To follow Christ means to be a living sacrifice.
Even though the priests were consecrated and made sacrifices, it could only last a little while before they had to come back and atone for sin again. It was like putting a bandaid on the problem without addressing the root cause.
Years later, Christ would come to earth to fix our sin-sick world once and for all. He would die as a perfect sacrifice, meaning there would never again be the need for a sacrifice. Also, we would be our great high priest. We wouldn’t need to go people to God, but we could go through Christ.
Today, recognize the weight of your sin and realize that your holiness doesn’t come from yourself but from Christ. You cannot consecrate yourself, but you can be made holy before God through Christ's sacrifice. Thank Him today for His grace and provision for salvation!