Why should we read Leviticus if we don’t need to make sacrifices today? You might ask, “Why should I read these passages with my family, what can we really learn from this?” Well to truly understand what Jesus endured on the cross, we must realize the penalty for sin and the gravity of the punishment for sin before a holy God.
If you look at Leviticus 1, you will find instructions for bringing an offering to God. These are given BY God from the Tabernacle (Lev 1:1-2). God is telling them, “Your sin is keeping my presence from you. If you make these sacrifices (or offerings), I can then be with you.” Leviticus 1 teaches us that there is a gap that is between Sinners and a Holy God. Here in Leviticus, God said that gap could be bridged with and offering and a priest. If the offering was brought, and the priest killed it, then God’s wrath would be satisfied and He could dwell among His people.
What does this mean for us today? Leviticus shows us that Jesus is the perfect sacrifice (or offering), to satisfy God’s wrath. Also, Jesus is the perfect priest or mediator between sinners and God. Therefore, the bridge between us is no longer burnt offerings and a priest but Jesus!
1. Read Leviticus 1:1-2 – God gave instructions for bringing an offering. Why do you think the people had to bring an offering to God? (Hint: Think about how sin separates us from God.)
2. Read Leviticus 1:3-4 – The person bringing the offering had to lay their hand on the animal before it was sacrificed. What do you think this showed about their sin?
(Hint: The offering took their place.)
Read Leviticus 1:9 & 1 Peter 1:18-19 – The sacrifice made a way for people to be close to God. How is Jesus like the offering in Leviticus?
(Hint: Just as the burnt offering that atoned for our sin was a lamb without blemish, so was Jesus, our ransom, without blemish)
Thank You Jesus for the Blood by Charity Gale