In this chapter, Jesus has resurrected after his gruesome death on the cross and burial in the tomb. He commands the disciples to go to the mountain in Galilee. Verse 17 says, “And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted.” How is this possible?! How could these men who had been with him throughout his earthly ministry doubt him: they saw healings, miracles of feeding mass crowds, the dead raised to life— How could they not believe that he could raise himself back to life? But, I have to admit that, even for me, sometimes doubt creeps into my mind. We have a choice with our doubts though- give into them or lean into faith. The disciples chose to rely on faith and not their doubts.
Jesus wraps up this chapter with one last command for the disciples. This one last thing is pivotal in the disciples ministry and it is the reason that we are believers today. Without the Great Commission- you and I would have never heard the good news of Jesus. Here’s what he commanded: