Jesus has foretold His death to His disciples, and the hour has almost arrived for Him to be betrayed by Judas and delivered up to be crucified. He has instituted the Lord’s supper and told His disciples that one of them would betray Him. Carrying this heavy weight of the brutality in the cross in His mind, He retreats to the garden of Gethsemane. In the garden is where Christ demonstrates His great love and devotion to the father by considering the pain of the cross but the joy of doing the Father’s will.
Matthew 26:36-39. Why do you think Jesus was feeling sad and troubled in the garden? How did He show His trust in God?
Matthew 26:40-41. Jesus asked His disciples to stay awake and pray, but they kept falling asleep. Why do you think they had trouble staying awake? How can we be better at listening to Jesus today?
Matthew 26:42. Jesus prayed, "Not my will, but Yours be done." What does that mean, and how can we follow Jesus' example when we pray?
Ask for prayer requests and pray that God would help you follow His will and not your will.
Sing the hymn, “I Surrender All”