This chapter is the cause of all the turmoil, pain, and suffering in the world. Had we stayed in Genesis 1 and 2 we would have been in harmony and perfection forever. But sin entered the world and ruined God’s beautiful creation. How did sin enter the world? There is a lot we could say about Satan and his fall from heaven but for now, we will look at how Satan encouraged Adam and Eve to sin so we can know his schemes and battle sin in our lives today.
“Did God actually say, ‘You should not eat from the tree in the garden’?” This is the question posed to Eve and it is remarkable that this little bit of doubt leads her astray. This command from God was simple, clear, and easy to understand. Yet, the enemy started sowing doubt not just in the command but God’s intentions. Satan made it seem that God was withholding something good from Eve when in reality, God was protecting her. God has given us clear instructions for living the Christian life. He doesn’t do this to withhold good things from us but precisely the opposite! If we live according to God’s plan, we will have life abundantly!
Satan moves from sowing doubt to straight up lying to Eve. “You will not surely die.” This statement is a lie and he is manipulating Eve. It is a way of saying, “There will be no consequences for this little sin, so go ahead!” How often do you hear the enemy lie to you throughout the day? “A compromise here or a compromise there won’t hurt.” “There won’t be any problem if you give in to sin this one time.” These are lies! Sin separates and destroys our relationship with God. Don’t listen to the father of lies but the Spirit of truth.
Once Adam and Eve ate they were ashamed. When God questioned them they didn’t repent but what was their response? Blame. “The woman you gave to be with me gave me fruit of the tree, and I ate.” Translation… It’s Eve’s fault! “The serpent deceived me and I ate.” Translation… It’s the serpent’s fault! The truth is, we all are free to make our own choices. We can choose to follow God and keep His commands or we can choose to sin. The good news is that if we sin, we have a father who loves us and forgives us. 1 John 1:9 says ,”9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
In verse 7 it says that Adam and Eve realized they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves up. They were ASHAMED. Their shame was a disgrace before God and they were desperately trying to cover that shame. These fig leaves didn’t cover their sin and they were still in shame. But I love verse 21, “And the Lord God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins and clothed them.
Even in their sin and shame, God covered them up. And not only that, God made a promise in verse 15 that he was on a mission to cover up their sin by sending His own son. Here at the birthplace of sin in the world, God is already beginning to unfold His plan to graciously cover the shame of mankind.
Today, think about the lengths Jesus went to in order to cover your sins. His blood on the cross covers your sin and washes you white as snow. In response to such great grace, live for Him today. Say no to sin and say yes to God.