The time had come for the Israelites to get a glimpse of the land they were promised- Canaan. God told Moses to send one man from each tribe as a representative. Moses tells them to check out if the land is good or bad, if there are strongholds there, if the people are strong or weak … but the final thing he says to them is “be of good courage and bring some of the fruit of the land”.
They heeded and obeyed the last part: the text says they went and got a cluster of grapes, pomegranates, and figs. However, they forgot the “be of good courage”. After 40 days they returned with their report to Moses and the people. They told them the land is wonderful, but they were fearful of the people of the land. They lacked courage. They lacked faith.
But then there was Caleb. Caleb spoke up and exercised his faith and said “let us go at once and occupy it, for we are well able to overcome it.” The passage ends with others again doubting and fearing trying to overtake the people of the land. Caleb didn't fear man- he feared God. Caleb remembered God's faithfulness and because of that was able to show courage.
If we have
faith in God, we will
trust him to take care of us. If we
trust him for our every need, we are able to be
courageous for him.
Caleb had faith in God. Caleb trusted in God. Therefore, Caleb was courageous FOR God.