God has delivered his people, the Israelites, from Egypt- they have crossed the Red Sea and are now at Mt. Sinai. In Exodus 19, God told the Israelites to prepare to meet with him. The people had to stay away from the mountain because of God’s holiness- only Moses was allowed to go up to meet with him. While Moses was on the mountain, God delivered the Ten Commandments for the Israelites to obey.
Exodus 20: 1-11 (After Reading Ask Questions 1 & 2)
Exodus 20: 12-26 (After Reading Ask Questions 3)
1. What do these first four commands teach us about God’s holiness?
2. How should we respond to God’s holiness?
3. What do these six commands teach us about how we treat others?
4. READ Matthew 22:36-40. How should we treat others and God?
Ask for prayer requests and pray together
Sing "Only A Holy God" by City Alight