God has rescued the people from Egypt. They have walked out in freedom and have plundered the Egyptians taking all their gold and wealth. But as they go, Pharaoh's hardened heart causes him to go after God’s people. The Israelites find themselves in the wilderness, blocked in by the Red Sea on one side and the Egyptians coming from the other.
Exodus 14:10-14 (After Reading Ask Questions 1 & 2)
Exodus 14:21-29 (After Reading Ask Questions 3 & 4)
1. Why did God’s people doubt God would save them even after seeing all the plagues and their ultimate rescue? Are there times when we doubt God? Why?
2. What was Moses’ response to them in verse 13? How can we trust God to fight for us?
3. How did God save the people of Israel?
4. How does God save us from sin and the enemy today? How does this account of God parting the Red Sea and God’s people walking through point us to Jesus’ death and resurrection?
Ask for prayer requests and pray together
Sing "Our God" by Chris Tomlin