“Where did you come from?” It’s a question that has stirred humanity’s curiosity for generations. Countless theories attempt to answer it. Some point to the Big Bang, a cosmic event they believe sparked the universe into existence. Others suggest evolution, a gradual process of change that led to life as we know it. These ideas dominate many conversations about our origins, shaping how people view themselves and their purpose in life.
As we begin our study of the Scriptures, we start at the beginning: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” The opening chapter of the Bible reveals that the world is not here by accident or chance. It exists because God made it. Throughout Genesis 1, we see God speaking creation into existence. Light and darkness, the sky and waters, vegetation and plants, the sun, moon, and stars, the animals—and finally, human beings—all came into being by His command.
Where did you come from? You came from a God who made you and placed you on this earth He created. As we read the creation account, we notice something extraordinary about humanity’s creation. Three things stand out in verses 26-31:
God freely created everything in the world, but when it came to humanity, He did something unique. We were made in His image and likeness. Isn’t that incredible? You bear the image of God! I strongly resemble my mother in appearance, and my father in attitude and personality. Similarly, being made in God’s image means we have the capacity to know Him.
God made us distinct from the rest of creation so we could have a relationship with Him. We can create, love, discern, and do so much more because we reflect God’s image. More than anything else in creation, God desired a relationship with humanity, His most prized possession.
In verse 29, God says, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.” From the very beginning, God chose to bless us with good gifts. He provided for His creation, and even today, you are blessed. God gives His creation grace by providing what we need to live, breathe, and know Him. Each day, we can reflect on the countless blessings He has given us.
You might ask, “Where did I come from?” But an even better question is, “Why am I here?” Genesis 1 answers both! We came from a loving Creator, and we were made to live for Him. Verse 28 says, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it.” This means we have a role in God’s beautiful creation—to fill the earth with His image.
As God’s image-bearers, we are responsible for subduing the earth by reflecting His character in creation. That is your purpose! You were created to bear God’s image and display His kindness, love, and beauty to a world in need.
“Where did I come from?” “Why am I here?” These are questions everyone asks. The good news is that God has given us the answers. Today, reflect on the love and kindness of our God. A God powerful enough to create the world from nothing cares deeply about you and has a plan and purpose for your life. How might you live for Him today and bear His image?