Each Tuesday and Thursday, we will post a simple guide for you to have family worship. Family worship can be done before bed, around the dinner table, in the car, or elsewhere! It can be done if you have little kids at home, middle schoolers, high schoolers, or empty nesters! Find someone in the same house as you and follow this outline twice a week! We follow a simple outline for Family Worship: Read, Pray, Sing. It is that simple. Take 5-10 minutes today and worship with your family!
Joseph was sold into slavery and was imprisoned, but God graciously rescued him from prison and made him second in command of all of Egypt. A severe famine spread throughout the land, and Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt to get food. Joseph forgave them for selling him into slavery and brought his entire family to Egypt so they would have resources and food during this severe famine.
Genesis 47:1-12; 27
1. In verse 11, we see that Pharoh offered Joseph’s family the best of the land. How has God provided far more than you deserved or needed?
2. Read Genesis 12:1-3 & Genesis 47:27. Has God kept his promise to Abraham? In what ways has God kept His original promise to Abraham?
3. Can you trust God to keep His promises to you?
Ask for prayer requests and pray together
He Will Keep You (Psalm 121) by Sovereign Grace Music