Each Tuesday and Thursday, we will post a simple guide for you to have family worship. Family worship can be done before bed, around the dinner table, in the car, or elsewhere! It can be done if you have little kids at home, middle schoolers, high schoolers, or empty nesters! Find someone in the same house as you and follow this outline twice a week! We follow a simple outline for Family Worship: Read, Pray, Sing. It is that simple. Take 5-10 minutes today and worship with your family!
Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. He worked for Potiphar but then was unjustly thrown in prison. While in prison, Joseph interpreted two different prisoners’ dreams correctly (remember he was the “dreamer” in Genesis 37). In return for interpreting the dreams, Joseph asked the prisoners that they would remember Joseph when they were released from prison. The cupbearer was released from prison, and the last verse of Genesis 40 says, “Yet the chief cupbearer did not remember Joseph, but forgot him.”
Genesis 41:1-57 (If you have smaller kids, feel free to summarize the story)
2. Read verses 40-43. Isn’t it amazing how quickly Joseph goes from a prisoner to a prince? How is this a picture of what Jesus does for us in salvation?
3. Read 56-57. Many people were saved because of Joseph’s plan to store food. What would have happened to those people if Joseph hadn’t been sold into slavery and put in prison to be placed before Pharoh eventually? How is God’s plan better for us even if we don’t understand?
Ask for prayer requests and pray together.
He Will Keep You (Psalm 121) by Sovereign Grace Music