In this powerful chapter, Jesus asks his disciples who they think he is and Peter confesses rightly that Jesus is the promised Messiah, who has come to save God’s people. Also, Jesus repeatedly tells them about his death and resurrection but the disciples fail to grasp this fully. Who can blame them! They think the promised Messiah will be a military leader to overthrow Rome and set up Israel as the new authority on the world stage. They fail to grasp that Jesus’ kingdom is not of this world. Which makes the final verses in the chapter so striking to hear from Jesus’ mouth. To follow Him requires self denial and bearing your cross. This call is still for us today!
1. Matthew 16:24. What do you think Jesus means when He says we should "take up our cross and follow Him"? (Encourage them to think about what it means to make choices that honor Jesus, even when it's hard.)
2. Matthew 16:25-26. Jesus says that gaining the whole world is not worth losing our soul. What do you think is the most important thing to have in life?
(Help them understand that knowing and following Jesus is more valuable than anything else.)
3. How can we follow Jesus in our everyday lives at school or home?
(Let them brainstorm simple ways to obey Jesus, like being kind, telling the truth, and praying.)
Ask for prayer requests and pray that God would help us to follow Him every day.
I Have Decided To Follow Jesus